Friends of Malvern Festival Chorus

The scheme is open to both choir members and non-members. Single Friendship costs a minimum of £60 per annum with a minimum of £110 for joint Friendship (two people at the same address). Should Friends be willing to pay more than the minimum, this would be greatly appreciated! These payments can be Gift Aided and details will be sent upon application to become a Friend.

Friendship will entitle the single Friend and each of the joint Friends to three tickets (up to a value of £15 each) for the year (charitable concerts excluded), and a complimentary programme and drink at each concert.
Friends will, with their permission, have an acknowledgement in all our programmes and will also be invited to the AGM and social events.

Payment for Friendship of MFC is due at the beginning of the academic year to coincide with Members’ subscriptions, and concert tickets must be claimed within the year of Friendship. Members of MFC or Friends may transfer their tickets.

Anyone with questions about the scheme or interested in becoming a Friend should contact (preferably by email) our Friends' Secretary, Alice Osmond: 07812 754791, . By sending an email, you consent to your contact details being kept for the purposes of administration of the Friends of MFC. No personal details will be passed to anyone else.

For those who love listening to us performing choral music, join the Friends of Malvern Festival Chorus and support one of Malvern’s oldest musical institutions.
Brought to you by Making Music
Copyright © 2025 Malvern Festival Chorus